Founded in 1946, Held Properties, Inc. is one of the most respected privately held, family-owned and operated, full-service commercial real estate development and property management firms in Los Angeles. Our portfolio includes some of the most prestigious commercial office and medical office buildings in the premier Westside submarkets of Southern California along with properties in Arizona and Utah.
The renowned success of Held Properties, its sterling reputation and immense esteem it has earned throughout the communities it operates in, can be attributed to the leadership and ethical principles of its late founder Harold A. Held. It’s a distinction and tradition that is carried on today by the Held family.
The cornerstone of Held Properties is its steadfast commitment to continuous development and pro-active management along with the long-standing relationships and trust of our tenants and business partners. Our in-house resources – along with those of our strategic affiliates – ensure Held Properties is in-tune with today’s market and remains a forward-thinking leader in commercial real estate.
Held Properties continues to branch out by actively seeking new opportunities. In addition to the acquisition and development of commercial, residential and medical properties in California, Arizona and Utah, we are expanding into new territories through joint ventures with regional experts – ensuring that properties have a local representative to better facilitate management and the decision-making process.
We are proud of our legacy, long-standing, reliable partnerships and reputation for personal, hands-on management. We take pride in the fact that each tenant has access to Held Properties officers during business hours. And we are honored and grateful to our tenants for helping us achieved one of the highest tenant retention rates in the industry.

Left to right: Robert D. Held, Melissa Held Bordy, Joseph R. Held.
Held Properties’ services include:
Our Foundation
The reputation and legacy of Held Properties can be traced to the vision and principled leadership of its founder, Harold A. Held. In 1946, Mr. Held began a small real estate and construction business and over the course of several decades built it into one of the premier real estate development and property management firms in Los Angeles. Below are just a few of the keepsakes honoring the history and memory of Harold A. Held and Held Properties.

Our esteemed founder, inspiration and guiding light, Harold A. Held.

Building Specification Plans circa 1950. Plans for one of the first apartment buildings constructed by Security Builders at 424 Landfair in Westwood, California.
1947 Building Estimator’s Reference Guide. Mr. Held’s original copy of “the Bible” for builders estimating material and labor costs at the time. It contained everything a developer needed to know.
Builders Sign. Original First Security Builders sign placed at the construction site of 1880 Century Park East during its dedication ceremony in 1970.
1980’s Real Estate Calculating Manual. This book is titled “Realty Computer” and was designed to help manually calculate monthly loan payments, net and gross selling price, balloon payment tables, etc.
Early 1900’s Construction Tools. While construction tools and materials have changed since then, our commitment to constructing and maintaining the highest quality buildings has not.