Held Properties, Inc. is a full-service, fully-integrated real estate development, construction, leasing and management company. Our services range from the initial identification, evaluation and planning of real estate projects to the development, construction, leasing, property management, engineering services and parking management of properties. We operate a real estate investment division to acquire interest in and help manage properties in select markets. We also provide outside leasing and real estate consulting expertise to third parties.

The life-blood of managing office and residential properties is the ability to attract and retain high-quality tenants. Held Properties has excelled in this area by consistently achieving an early lease-up of its properties while maintaining an enviable average occupancy level of over 98%.
Held Properties’ in-house team of leasing experts utilize their intimate knowledge of our properties and market conditions to perfectly match tenant needs and requirements. Our leasing agents serve as a liaison between the company and tenant, coordinating matters such as space planning and tenant improvements. They are responsible to ensure work is performed and finished to the tenant’s complete satisfaction.
Our leasing agents ongoing tenant relationships are maintained throughout the tenant’s stay and agents serve as ombudsmen for tenant interests. Our leasing department also offers consulting services to outside third-party clients on a fee basis.

Property Management
The satisfaction and well-being of our tenants is of paramount importance for all Held Properties. Toward that goal, we have staffed our in-house property management team with outstanding professional talent. Their expertise is utilized in every step – including, early in the development stage to assure building systems are optimally designed for long-term reliability and ease of maintenance.
Our team is very hands-on – with service personnel or a Held officer visiting each building every day. This lets us establish a personal relationship with tenants and provides an immediate, single direct source of responsibility and control - assuring high responsiveness and accountability.
Property Management expertise is supported by in-house professional heating and air conditioning engineers, dedicated elevator maintenance crews, and other highly-trained technicians proficient in servicing all building systems. Our top-notch technical teams provide a rapid response to any tenant need, as well as pro-active preventive maintenance and highly cost-efficient operations.

Held Properties, Inc. is a fully licensed General Contractor in the State of California specializing in construction and project management of the base building and tenant improvements of commercial and medical office buildings. As such, we are able to provide high-quality, excellent-value construction projects delivered on-time and on-budget.
Our construction division maintains a staff of professionals ranging from project managers to specialized construction crews consisting of laborers, craftsmen, carpenters, and job superintendents. In addition to these in-house crews, we outsource highly competitive skilled sub-contractors that deliver excellent results.

Engineering Services
Maintaining and managing the facility efficiency of commercial real estate is critical to ROA as well as the comfort, satisfaction and safety of tenants. Held Properties Engineering Services is comprised of highly trained and experienced professionals responsible for the technical support of our properties as well as fulfilling contracted maintenance agreements for services to third parties.
Whether it’s HVAC, supplemental cooling units for IT server rooms or underground storage tanks, our engineers provide system-wide, comprehensive technical services to ensure maximum efficiency and performance. Our attention to operating budgets, preventive maintenance and sustainability practices puts Held Properties Engineering Services at the forefront of institutional-quality engineering services in every market we operate in.

Our company has an impressive track record of identifying and evaluating real estate development opportunities. Using sophisticated software that analyzes and tests a multitude of changing scenarios regarding construction costs, rental projections, lease-up absorption and other factors, we have been successful at developing an array of exceptional properties.
The success we’ve achieved can be attributed several factors. In addition to decades of experience, our in-house leasing team is continuously monitoring and reporting marketplace opportunities, demand, vacancy factors, rental rates and prospective tenants. In addition, as a licensed contractor we have expertise spanning everything from complex construction of high-rise office towers to most detailed renovations of high-end medical suites. This breath of experience helps us control the design, construction process and costs allowing us to deliver a high quality outcome at an excellent ROI.

You don’t have great properties without great parking.
Parking is the first thing a tenant or visitor experiences when entering a building and the last impression they leave with. Our experienced, well-trained, uniformed staff greets everyone who enters and makes sure they are graciously received. This attention to detail extends to the garage itself – assuring it is clean and well-lit, signage decisive and that all directionals are easy-to-read.